
  • General Information of the Cognitive Systems Group

    Dear Students,

    At this point you will find general information of our professorship which are not directly connected to any course.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Either by posting in the Q&A forum below or by contacting one of our group members directly:

  • The Cognitive Systems group holds a regularly doctoral colloquium. There, our internal and external doctoral students present and discuss the current status of their work. Occasionally, we invite external lecturers. We welcome interested students and colleagues (exceptions are marked with 'internal' in the schedule).

    When? Wednesdays, 16:00 s.t. - 17:30
    Where? KogSys-Lab (WE5/05.013)

    • Hybrid Colloquium

      CogSys Lab: WE5/05.013
      Every Wednesday: 16:00-17:30 Uhr
      (Every first Wednesday of the Month during the semester is the BaCAI Colloquium!)

      Information to participate via Teams:


      Microsoft Teams Need help?
      Join the meeting now
      Meeting ID: 395 905 962 780
      Passcode: VKQADB

      For meetings outside our regular schedule (Wednesdays 16:00-17:30) we will have one time Teams meeting links which can be found in the news feed.


      Schedule WS 2024/2025 - Hybrid Colloquium

      Date Speaker(s) Topic
       02.10.24 - 16:15  multiple  BaCAI Colloquium
       09.10.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       16.10.24 - 16:00  ---  Cancelled due to the CogSys DC-Days happening on the following days
       23.10.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       30.10.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       06.11.24 - 16:15  multiple  BaCAI Colloquium
       13.11.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       20.11.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       27.11.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       04.12.24 - 17:00  multiple  BaCAI Colloquium
       11.12.24 - 16:00  Corbinian Weithmann  Erklärbare Fehlerklassifikation in der bildbasierten industriellen Qualitätskontrolle
       18.12.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       25.12.24 - 16:00  ---  Holidays
       01.12.25 - 16:00  ---  Holidays
       08.01.25 - 17:15  multiple  BaCAI Colloquium
       15.01.25 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       22.01.25 - 16:00  Tobias Nietsch  Inductive Logic Programming for Single-cell Analysis
       29.01.25 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       05.02.25 - 16:15  multiple  BaCAI Colloquium
       12.02.25 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       19.02.25 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       26.02.25 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       05.03.25 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       12.03.25 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       19.03.25 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       24.03.25 - 10:00  Normix Hillemann  NLP Techniques for Summarizing and Topic Matching in Patient-Chatbot Interactions: A Comparative Study
       26.03.25 - 16:00  ---  Open Session

      Schedule SS 2024 - Hybrid Colloquium

      Date Speaker(s) Topic
       03.04.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       10.04.24 - 16:00  ---  cancelled
       11.04.24 - 17:00  David Cerna  Anti-unification: Introduction, Applications, and Recent Results
       15.04.24 - 12:00  Daniel Gramelt  ThesisExplanatory interactive machine learning for welding seam quality assessment
       17.04.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       24.04.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       01.05.24 - 16:00  ---  Holidays
       08.05.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       15.05.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session - ONLY REMOTE
       22.05.24 - 17:00  Thomas Schultze-Gerlach  Using Large Language Models to Augment (Rather Than Replace) Human Feedback in Higher Education Improves Perceived Feedback Quality
       29.05.24 - 16:00  Lukas Gernlein  Towards Explainable and Interactive Machine Learning for Multi-Label Classification
       05.06.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session - ONLY REMOTE
       12.06.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session - ONLY REMOTE
       19.06.24 - 16:00  Annabel Lindner (FAU)   How to Deal with Transformative Topics in Computer Science Education: An Analysis Based on the Topic of Artificial Intelligence
       26.06.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       03.07.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       10.07.24 - 15:00  Corbinian Weithmann  tba
       10.07.24 - 16:00  Leonhard Kestel  Tree Vitality Classification from Image Data - A Comparison of Multipectral Index Scores and Deep Learning Approaches
       14.07.24 - 14:00  Christian Dormagen  Inductive Learning of System-level Process Behaviour Explanations - A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Process Mining
       17.07.24 - 17:00 ---  Open Session
       22.07.24 - 10:00  Barbara Blank  Utilizing NLP Methods in an Intelligent Tutor System for Teaching Concepts by Socratic Dialog – Learning about Trees in Primary Education
       24.07.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       31.07.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       07.08.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       14.08.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       21.08.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       26.08.24 - 14:00  Johannes Langer  A Neuro-symbolic Single-path Approach for Solving Raven’s Progressive Matrices
       28.08.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       04.09.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       11.09.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       16.09.24 - 11:00  Satyam Pant  Model Revision for Images Based on Near-Misses and Near-Hits Explanation-Guided Augmentation
       18.09.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       25.09.24 - 16:00  ---  Open Session
       26.09.24 - 14:00  Leonhard Kestel  Tree-Vitality Classification from Image Data - A Comparison of Multispectral Indices and Deep Learning Approaches


      Schedule WS 2023/2024 - Hybrid Colloquium

      Date Speaker(s) Topic
      9.10.2023 Richard Nieding Unsupervised Machine Learning via Feature Extraction and Clustering to Classify Tree Species from High-Resolution UAV-based RGB Image Data
      18.10.2023 Judith & Leo Bericht über die European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence
      25.10.2023   Open Session
      1.11.2023   Open Session
      8.11.2023   Open Session
      15.11.2023   Open Session
      22.11.2023   CANCELLED
      29.11.2023 14:00 s.t.  Oraz Serdarov Verteidigung MA: Explainable Unsupervised Learning for Fraud Detection (in coop with HUK Coburg)
      29.11.2023 Martin Schmeißer MA Verteidigung: Evaluating methods for transcompiling high-level programming languages (MA AI, in cooperation with Siemens)
      4.12.2023 15:30 Adrian Völker  OS4ITS: A Distributed Shell-based Platform for Integrated Knowledge- and Learner-Modeling and Curriculum Management Across Different Tutoring Systems
      6.12.2023   Open Session
      13.12.2023   Open Session
      20.12.2023 12:00 s.t. Shamim Miroliaei Verteidigung: Exploring Potential Biases in Sequential Data Classification for Hand Gesture Recognition using Layer-wise Relevance Propagation and Cluster Analysis
      20.12.2023   Open Session
      21.12.2023 13:00 s.t. Jonas Amling

      Explainable AI for Mixed Data Clustering -- Model-Agnostic Entropy-Based Cluster Explanations

      ---   Weihnachten
      10.1.2024   Open Session
      17.1.2024 16:00-17:30 Alexander Köbler

      Human-Centered AI Using Domain Knowledge

      24.1.2024   Open Session
      31.1.2024   Open Session
      7.2.2024   Open Session
      14.2.2024   Open Session
      21.2.2024   Open Session
      28.2.2024   Open Session
      6.3.2024   Open Session
      13.3.2024   Open Session
      20.3.2024   Open Session
      27.3.2024   Open Session

      Schedule SS 2023 - Hybrid Colloquium

      Date Speaker(s) Topic
      13.4.23 Franz Motzkus How to Doktor*innenarbeit
      20.4.23 Bettina Finzel Write Reviews: A How To
      10.5.23 Bettina Finzel Pixy - ein Tool für Reasoning auf Graphen (im Speziellen Neo4j)
      24.5.23 Bettina Finzel Concept- and Relation-based Explanations
      15.6.2023 Adish Singla Fakultäts Kolloquium: AI-Driven Educational Technology for Introductory Programming
      Christoffer Löffler tba
      Martin Schmeißer


      19.7.2023 Prof. Dr. CC Carbon Verschwörungstheorien und -mythen: Was, woher, warum - was machen sie mit uns und wie gehen wir mit ihnen um, und das in Zeiten von DeepL, ChatGPT, DALL-e und Kolleg*innen?
      23.8.2023 Zeynep Saribatur (TU Wien)

      Foundations for Projecting Away the Irrelevant in ASP Program

      Monday 28.8.2023 11:00 Alexander Hatzold, Master Angewandte Informatik Semantic and Syntactic Analogical Reasoning in Large Language Models (LLMs): Effects of Different Types of Prompting on the Performance of ChatGPT
      13.9.2023  Simon Schramm (BMW)  ILP for explainable graph clustering
       19.9.2023  Felix Hempel  Explanatory and Interactive Machine Learning with Counterfactual Explanations for Ordinal Data


      Schedule WS 2022/23 - Virtual Colloquium

      Date Topic
      05.10.2022 (10:00) Louisa Heidrich: Combining Explanatory Interactive Learning and Fair Machine Learning – Interacting with Explanations to Uncover and Reduce Human and Machine Biases
      25.10.2022 (14:00) Amit Singh: Does Contrastive Attention Guidance Facilitate Action Recall? An Eye- tracking

      Zeynep Saribatur: Towards Comprehensible ASP Reasoning by Means of Abstraction
      14.11.2022 (16:00) David Tafler: The Object-Centric Concept Learner - An Interpretable Framework for Learning Relational Visual Concepts

      20.12.2022 Thomas Sedlmeir: Betrugserkennung in Dokumenten: Untersuchung von Methoden des Maschinellen Lernens für die Identifikation manipulierter Zeichen
       19.1.2023  Stefan Raab: Active Learning for interactive labeling of RGB UAV forest data
      Johannes Rabold & Johannes Langer: A Brief Overview of Transformer Models and their Architecture (PDF zum Vortrag)
       26.1.2023  Open Session
       2.2.2023 (tba)  Maximilian Rosilius: Fehlerauswirkungen in der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion auf die menschliche Leistung und Akzeptanz
       16.2.2023 (18:00-19:00)  Franz Motzkus: Quantifizierung von lokalen Heatmapping xAI Methoden
       02.3.2023  Christoph Wehner: Docker Einführung
       09.3.2023  Mareike Müller: Masterarbeit Verteidigung zum Thema "Dynamic Fingerspelling Recognition Using Sequential Deep Learning"

      Schedule ST 2022 - Virtual Colloquium

      Date Topic
      13.04.2022 (17:00) Mareike Müller: Automatic Sign Language Recognition
      12.05.2022 Matthias Uhl: People Prefer Moral Discretion to Algorithms
      23.06.2022 Alexander Becker: Certified Data Removal in Sum Product Networks
      05.07.2022 Felix Schweinfest: Comparing the Performance of Memory Augmented Neural Networks in Reinforcement Learning


      Schedule WS 2021/22 - Virtual Colloquium

      Date Topic/Doctoral Candidate
      07.10.2021 Simon Kuhn: Verifying Convolutional Neural Networks: A Landmark-based Approach for Quantitative Evaluation of Facial Action Unit Classification
      29.10.2021 Christoph Wehner: Master's Defense with the topic: "Interpretable Lane Change Prediction"
      25.11.2021 Oliver Mey: Prediction of Energy Consumption for Variable Customer Portfolios Including Aleatoric Uncertainty Estimation
      02.12.2021 Sarem Seitz: Gaussian Processes come with (almost) free explainability
      07.12.2021 (17:00!!) Pascal Hitzler: Concept Induction for Explainable AI
      • An Explanatory Interactive Machine Learning Approach for Image Classication in Medical Engineering. (Bachelor Thesis, Yannik Ott)
      • Recent Advances in the hKI-Chemie Project: An Incremental Attribution Method for Gaussian Processes. (hKI-Chemie, Emanuel Slany)
      16.02.2022 (17:00!!)

      Talk Aliya Hammad: Optimizing Hierarchical Classification for Resource-Constrained Systems Using Reinforcement Learning Methods.


      Talk Christoph Wehner: Root-Cause Detection in the Wild -  The first steps of the project "KIProQua"


      Schedule ST 2021 - Virtual Colloquium

      Date Topic/Doctoral Candidate
      15.04.2021 Bettina Finzel: Interactive Machine Learning
      29.04.2021 Jan Tinapp: Debugging Causal Models. Later: Johannes Rabold: Discussion Research Proposition (Humanly plausible feature vector clustering)
      06.05.2021 Lisa Lengenfelder: Are Relations Relevant in CNNs?
      Talk 2: Deepika Arneja: TraMeExCo Internship Presentation (Join via Teams here)
      20.05.2021 Talk 1: Joscha Eirich, Jakob Bonart: ”The interactive clustering and labeling of acoustic signature patterns of electrical engines (We use the same Teams link as one row above!)
      27.05.2021 Oliver Mey: Self-Masking Adversarial Networks
      10.06.2021 Dennis Müller: Mathematical Knowledge Management Across Formal Libraries
      24.06.2021 Wolfgang Kratsch (Credium): Fusion von unterschiedlichen Datenquellen für semi-automatisiertes Labelling und Closed-Loop Machine Learning Cycle
      01.07.2021 Alexander Schneider: How to Train a NER Model from Annotation to Model
      05.07.2021 Ploy Schneider: Counterfactuals as an Approach to Test Fairness in Machine Learning -- And Why Fairness in Machine Learning Affects Everyone
      15.07.2021 Christian Wirth: Scalable Probabilistic Deep Learning: An Engineers Guide to the State of the Art
      23.09.2021 Maximilian Muschalik: Beyond Contrastive Explanations for Deep Learning Models in Physical Relational Domains

      Schedule WT 2020/21 - Virtual Colloquium

      Date Topic/Doctoral Candidate
      01.10.2020 & 08.10.2020     
      KI2020 Recap
      15.10.2020 AI Safety, Gesina Schwalbe
      29.10.2020 Mena Leemhuis: Cones, Negations and all that
      5.11.2020 (will start at 17:15 this time only!) Durgesh Nandini: Answer Set Programming
      12.11.2020 Deep Transfer Learning for Time Series Regression in Chemical Production, Namrata Jain (Master Thesis at Wacker AG, Intermediate Presentation)
      19.11.2020 Deniz Neufeld: Recurrent Neural Network Architecture based on Dynamic Systems Theory for Data Driven Modelling of Complex Physical Systems
      26.11.2020 Sarem Seitz: Bayesian mixtures of interpretable experts
      10.12.2020 Bettina Finzel: Sustainability in Machine Learning: From Nomads to Data Centers and Back.
      14.12.2020 Regina Siegers (Master Survey Statistics, Uni Bamberg): Vectors and the Search for Happiness.
      21.01.2021 Tobias Huber (Uni Augsburg): "Benchmarking Perturbation-based Saliency Maps for Explaining Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents" and "Do Deep Neural Networks Forget Facial Action Units? - Exploring the Effects ofTransfer Learning in Health Related Facial Expression Recognition"
      11.03.2021 mgm: AI assisted labelling tool
      18.03.2021 Lennart Thamm: Intermediate Presentation of thesis results (delayed and will start at 17:00)
      25.03.2021 Gesina SchwalbeConcept Analysis for Verification - slides
      15.04.2021 Bettina Finzel: Interactive Machine Learning: Approaches and Examples
      (this time only click here to join the Teams meeting)

      Schedule ST 2020 - Virtual Colloquium


      Date Topic/Doctoral Candidate
      Joscha Eirich
      23.07.2020 Gesina Schwalbe and Johannes Rabold
      17.09.2020 Kick-Off in Preparation of Winter Term

    • Schedule WT 2019/20

      Date Topic/Doctoral Candidate
      2020-01-30 Sarem Seitz:
      "End-to-end prototype-based reinforcement learning"
      2020-02-13 Tobias Hepp:
      "Latent Class Distributional Regression"
      Regina Siegers:
      "Parallelized Causal Inference with Latent Variables"

    • Schedule ST 2019
      Date Topic / Doctoral Candidate
      2019-04-18 Gast: Thomas Voit, TH Nürnberg, Lernen über Spiele/Ähnlichkeit von Spielen
      2019-05-02 internal meeting
      2019-05-09 no meeting
      2019-05-16 no meeting
      2019-05-23 Thoughts on automatic constraint generation from examples (Michael Siebers)
      2019-05-30 public holiday
      2019-06-06 14-15 Malte Büttner -- Iterative visual reasoning beyond convolutions
      2019-06-13 Reserved - topic will be announced
      2019-06-20 public holiday
      2019-06-27 no meeting
      2019-07-04 Towards the Inference of Shape Predicates from Memory Graphs (Jan Boockmann)
      2019-07-11 Making Reinforcement Learning agents efficient for learning and acting in the real-world (Sarem Seitz)(17:15)
      2019-07-18 no meeting
      2019-07-25 Pepper (Sebastian Seufert, Ferdinand Lang)
      2019-08-01 no meeting
      2019-08-08 public holiday
      2019-08-15 public holiday
      2019-08-22 no meeting
      2019-08-29 Der Einfluss von Erklärungen auf Vertrauen in Dare2Del - Studienvorstellung (Clemens Bartnik)
      2019-09-12 external talk (Tim Grelka) 13-14 Uhr!
      2019-09-19 no meeting
      2019-09-24, 9:15-11:00
       Optimizing alert timings (external talk, Thilip)
      2019-09-26 no meeting
    • Schedule WT 2018/19
      Date Topic / Doctoral Candidate
      2018-11-22, 14:00-15:00 Mark Gromowski internal
      Explanation Generation Frameworks
      2018-12-06 Bayesian Deep Learning (Johannes Rabold)
      2018-12-13 ibindo – ein Chatbot gegen Liebeskummer (external talk) [abstract]
      2018-12-20 Gesina Schwalbe, Absicherung von DNNs im autonomen Fahren;
      afterwards Christmas party
      2019-01-10 cancelled!
      2019-01-24 no meeting
      2019-01-31 Hannah Deininger, Masterarbeit zur expliziten Erklärungsfindung für komplexe Neuronale Netze
      2019-02-07 cancelled!
      2019-02-14, 17:00-18:00
      Bettina Finzel, Constraint-based Explanations in Aleph
      Mark Gromowski, Projektupdate PainFaceReader (Schwerpunkt Datenrepräsentation)
      2019-02-28 no meeting
      2019-03-07 ECDA 2019 - Testvorträge / Fragen
       Gast: Martin Hillebrand (Vodafone)
       Abschlussbericht Praktikant Sebastian Gary
      no meeting
  • In the Cognitive Systems group, topics for 15-ECTS projects* and bachelor's and master's theses are usually closely linked to our research. If you like to do your thesis or a project with us, please select a suitable topic from the list below or / and contact the named contact person. Alternatively, we encourage students to suggest their own topic. In that case, please contact Prof. Schmid, Bettina Finzel or Johannes Langer. You can look at the current research projects of the group and past student projects as inspiration for your topic. In either case, we expect that you have shown interest in our group, for example by participating in our courses.

    More information regarding theses at the Cognitive Systems group can be found on our website

    *Note that 6-ECTS Projects (winter or summer semester) have fixed topics and are organized via Univis, like regular lectures.

    • There are currently no specific topics posted here. If you are interested in writing your thesis at our chair please directly contact us with your own topic idea.

  • Nicht verfügbar, außer: Sie sind in einer Gruppe in Orga
    • CogSys Wiki - Persons and expertise topics
      Nicht verfügbar, außer: Sie sind in einer Gruppe in Promovierende