Term papers, book + summer school

Term papers, book + summer school

von Theresa Summer -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

Dear students,

I hope this finds you well. It was great to meet some of you in person in Bamberg a few weeks ago!

If you have any further questions about your term papers, feel free to get in touch with me. I hope you're almost done and that you enjoyed doing the research for your papers, analysing the interviews etc. I'm definitly looking forward to reading your papers.

Also, I have news for your regarding the book publication: I will edit a book on "English in Primary Education" with the University of Bamberg Press (open access) and I plan to include your papers (edited and shortened versions of course), if you wish. I will contact you about this soon. Maybe this will also motivate you to work hard on your papers in this final week before you hand it in lächelnd!

Finally, I'd like to recommend a (virtual) event to you focusing on multilingualism

"Die digitale BaTEG Summer School zum Thema „Multilingualism in the classroom / Mehrsprachigkeit im Klassenzimmer“ findet am 23. und 24. September 2021 statt. Das Programm, welches zurzeit noch stetig erweitert wird, ist vielversprechend und für zukünftige Lehrkräfte sehr relevant. Alle notwendigen Informationen finden Sie/findet Ihr unter https://www.uni-bamberg.de/zlb/k-r/bateg/zlb-k-r-bateg-zlb-k-r-bateg-summer-school/ "

All the best -
