Join our free 5 hours Docker workshop for advanced Docker users!
The (free) registration starts on Sat, 1. July 2017 at 10 AM! There are only 40 seats available! ( also counts us as organizers, we are 6 people). First-come, first-served.
Are you an advanced user and wanna get a Docker T-Shirt? Then you are invited to come and help others during the workshop. Please use the comment below to state that you join as tutor. As a thank-you, each tutor will receive a Docker T-Shirt.
Agenda (WE5/02.004)
16:00 Eat pizza & come together (we still need a sponsor)
16:30 Workshop
22:00 End of Workshop & more pizza
More about the workshop's content:
• Main instructor will be Govinda Fichtner, Senior Cloud and DevOps Engineer at Paessler AG. The Hypriot team members and experienced users from the community will assist as tutors.
• You'll learn everything needed to use Docker for advanced use cases like using Docker in a CI/CD pipeline or as development environment with Docker Compose. Also if time permits we are going to look at Docker clustering with Docker Swarm.
• You are going to get in touch with a broad range of concepts and technologies: Docker, Docker-Compose, Nginx, Caddy, Python, Redis, HAProxy, Wordpress, Gitlab, Gitlab-CI, CI/CD, GIT, Linux, ...
Important Preparation: Each attendee must bring his own notebook with a working SSH client (Putty on Windows, Linux and Mac users already have a SSH client installed by default). During the workshop we will work on prepared servers of Digital Ocean. Important note: This workshop doesn't start with the basics. So you already need to know what Docker is, how to use the important cli commands to e.g. start & stop containers and also how to use Dockerfiles to build new images. You should also know how to use Git, be familiar with the Linux command line and have (at least) some basic programming knowledge!
• During the workshop, you will have the option to win some Docker swag.
• Language will be English if requested, otherwise German.