Room: WE5/05.005
Time: 04:59 pm -- 05:59 pm
The FNC is an approximately bi-weekly meeting of people interested in the ongoing research or topics of interests in (applied) computer science and information systems from people related to the faculty WIAI at the University of Bamberg. The main idea includes to create an environment where cooperation and synergies can be developed and (research) ideas and topics can be presented. The level of details of presentations shall conform with a phd-student-level, however, we greatly appreciate the participation of master students and professors as well. The presenter can practice presentation skills and get connected with other people related to the field or people in the same research situation. Therefore, we are more interested in research questions and ideas (work in progress) and how specific research groups use their methods and not that much in tiny details better discussed one-on-one with the supervisor or with one specific person from the audience while tasting a beer. Talks may take up to one hour including discussion. Afterwards, we will move to a close location (optionally) for getting not only the mind filled (also called: beer-bias). There interested participants may also indulge in one-on-one discussions.Participating
If you are interested in attending a FNC-Talk just be there on time.
Fix a Date for Your Talk
If you are interested in giving a talk related to your research or your interests related to applied computer science and information systems let us know (via mail christina.zeller@uni-bamberg.de or just talk to Christina Zeller, Michael Siebers, or Oliver Posegga). We will find a date together and clarify the next steps.
Target Audience
The target group for preparing a talk are phd-students of the faculty WIAI, that is phd-students in the field of (applied) computer science and information systems. Please make sure that your talk fits the target group.
Time Constraint
The time limit is 60 minutes for the talk including questions and answers (Q&A). We recommend talks with length of up to 30 minutes and up to 30 minutes Q&A. Talks have a strict limit of 45 minutes allowing for 15 additional minutes Q&A. One of us moderates the FNC and gives you feedback regarding time.
Presentation Feedback
If desired we can give you feedback related to you presentation skills either in form of a short individual meeting after the presentation or via a feedback form laid out during the presentation which the audience is asked to complete. Please let us know in advance.