தலைப்பு மேலோட்டம்

  • General Information of the Cognitive Systems Group

    Dear Students,

    At this point you will find general information of our professorship which are not directly connected to any course.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Either by posting in the Q&A forum below or by contacting one of our group members directly:

  • Doctoral Colloquium

    The Cognitive Systems group holds a regularly doctoral colloquium. There, our internal and external doctoral students present and discuss the current status of their work. Occasionally, we invite external lecturers. We welcome interested students and colleagues (exceptions are marked with 'internal' in the schedule).

    When? Wednesdays, 16:00 s.t. - 17:30
    Where? KogSys-Lab (WE5/05.013)

  • Theses and Project Topics

    In the Cognitive Systems group, topics for 15-ECTS projects* and bachelor's and master's theses are usually closely linked to our research. If you like to do your thesis or a project with us, please select a suitable topic from the list below or / and contact the named contact person. Alternatively, we encourage students to suggest their own topic. In that case, please contact Prof. Schmid, Bettina Finzel or Johannes Langer. You can look at the current research projects of the group and past student projects as inspiration for your topic. In either case, we expect that you have shown interest in our group, for example by participating in our courses.

    More information regarding theses at the Cognitive Systems group can be found on our website

    *Note that 6-ECTS Projects (winter or summer semester) have fixed topics and are organized via Univis, like regular lectures.

  • Organisatorisches

    Not available unless: You belong to a group in Orga
  • Templates

  • Wiki

    • Wiki icon
      CogSys Wiki - Persons and expertise topics
      Not available unless: You belong to a group in Promovierende