Data: TVM2 02-10-2014.mp3 & TVM2 02-10-2014.trs

Please download

the sound file TVM2 02-10-2014.mp3

and the transcription TVM2 02-10-2014.trs

for this task! (right click + "Ziel speichern unter...")

Programs: Transcriber 1.5.1 & Excel


  • Download the audio file & the transcription file
  • Analyse the pronunciation of <th> in the audiofile and document your findings in an excel sheet
  • Export examples for the different pronunciations as seperate audio files
  • Perform a short live presentation of you mini-project in class and give a brief overview of your findings.
  • Write a brief summary of your findings (no more than 300 words!).


  • Transcriber is installed on the PCs in U5 02.23 (CIP POOL). Since it is freeware, you can also download it and use it on your own PC.
  • A brief tutorial for transcriber, a link to the user manual as well as an example transcription can also be found in the VC
  • Extracting parts of an audio file is described in the official user manual for transcriber (5.9. Save a part of the audio file)
  • Please bring your own headphones for this task!
  • How to install Transcriber on your own PC

Solution: Mini-project D3.pdf

Zuletzt geändert: Montag, 2. November 2015, 17:08