Birmingham Summer School

Birmingham Summer School

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Liebe Studierende,

die BCU in Birmingham bietet vom 15. Juli bis zum 2. August 2024 wieder ihre jährliche Summer School an.
Neben Kursen zu den Bereichen Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning und International Business gibt es noch weitere Angebote der verschiedensten Fachrichtungen.
Zuästzlich zu den eigentlichen Kursinhalten bietet die BCU auch weitere Aktivitäten und Ausflüge in andere britische Städte an. Die Kurse zu "Fashion" und "International Business", bringen dabei sogar 7,5 ECTS-Punkte, wobei eine mögliche Anrechnung zuvor erst vom zuständigen Prüfungsausschuss geprüft werden muss.

Infos zu den Kosten, dem genauen Ablauf und der Unterbringung ist auf der Website der BCU ( zu finden.

Nachfolgend sind die englischen Beschreibungen der Kurse mit Link zur zugehörigen Website der BCU zu finden:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning In this program, you will be introduced to foundational concepts and develop a comprehensive understanding of both AI and machine learning. You will engage with experts discussing practical applications of AI.
  • Design and Make a piece of Jewellery During the course, you will be introduced to the basic skills and methods needed to transform silver into a simple piece of jewellery. You will use the traditional tools and techniques for making jewellery and be involved in the design process
  • Diamond Grading The correct lighting and observation techniques for consistent diamond grading. How to colour and clarity grade to internationally-recognized standards. How to grade diamonds for cut, polish, symmetry, proportions and fluorescence in relation to international tolerances.
  • Digital Journalism This course centres around the skills needed to work as a reporter in online environments. Students will explore how different media elements such as text, images, video and audio can work together to tell compelling stories.
  • Embracing Global Challenges in International Business This course is designed to help you develop understandings and insights in issues and challenges in business activities on a global scale. It provides the perspectives to examine business organisations within the international economic, governmental and social environment.
  • English Language and Culture During the three-week programme, students will have integrated classes, as well as Project work sessions focused 21st century skills, such as Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Thinking.
  • Fashion: Print, Style, Capture During this course you will explore fashion concepts: how research informs design ideas and translates into 20 patterns.
  • Print and Photography This hands on course will introduce you to a variety of creative photography, bookbinding and letterpress techniques.
  • Radio and Podcast Drama Production This course introduces the key concepts and production skills required to create compelling audio drama for both radio and podcasting.
  • Television Drama and Short From Storytelling This course introduces students to the key concepts and production techniques used to create compelling drama for both television and online video platforms. Students will learn a range of practical skills such as idea generation, script writing, television production techniques, and more.

Viele Grüße