RTG 1808: Call for Applications

RTG 1808: Call for Applications

von Ute Schmid -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

Call for Applications

In the interdisciplinary Research Training Group (RTG) 1808

“Ambiguity – Production and Perception”

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen offers one Post-Doc Research Position (TV-L E13) temporary employment for up to six years at the earliest possible date, with the aim of completing the habilitation during this time. The researcher will be employed through the central administration of the University of Tübingen and will be a member of the RTG 1808. Members of the research training group are required to take their residence in Tübingen.

Application deadline: Monday, February 12, 2018.

The candidate should have in-depth experience in cognitive science or a closely related discipline (e.g. (computational) linguistics, cognitive psychology). S/he is to model the encoding principles and cognitive processes involved in generating or perceiving ambiguous information content. During its first funding period (2013-2018), the RTG 1808 has identified a great variety of interdisciplinary ambiguity phenomena and developed a large database of examples (Tübingen Interdisciplinary Ambiguity Phenomena – TInCAP). In the second funding period (2018-2022), the objective is to develop an additional perspective on the cognitive processes that are underlying the perception and production of ambiguities. 

The candidate should have experience in computer programming. Knowledge in statistics, principles of information processing, data analysis, and language analysis will be useful. The candidate will be required to develop a research profile of his or her own in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Martin Butz (Cognitive Modeling). 

RTG 1808 Summary

Participating Disciplines of the RTG:
English Literary Studies, English Linguistics, German Literary Studies, German Linguistics (including Psycholinguistics), Legal Studies, Classical Philology, Cognitive Science (and Cognitive Modeling in particular), Philosophy, Psychology, General Rhetoric, Romance Linguistics, Protestant Theology (New Testament).  
For a summary of the research programme and additional information, see www.ambiguitaet.uni-tuebingen.de <https://www.uni-tuebingen.de/en/research/core-research/research-training-groups/grk-1808-ambiguity-production-and-perception.html>.
Application details:

Tübingen University intends to increase the proportion of female employees in research and teaching, women are particularly encouraged to apply. Applications (in German or English) including informative documents, a cover letter, a research proposal (maximum 5 pages), signed CV, copies of earned university degrees and transcripts of individual grades as well as at least one letter of recommendation and the names and email addresses of at least two further referees (university professors) are to be sent in digital form (one pdf document) by February 12, 2018, under the reference “Post-Doc @ RTG 1808” to the speaker of the RTG, Professor Matthias Bauer: m.bauer@uni-tuebingen.de <mailto:m.bauer@uni-tuebingen.den>. Job interviews for successful candidates will be held in Tübingen. For information on the application procedure, please contact inken.armbrust@uni-tuebingen.de <mailto:inken.armbrust@uni-tuebingen.de>.

Kontakt (Sekretariat): 
Inken Armbrust
Keplerstr. 3
Telefon: +49 7071 29-77569
Mail: inken.armbrust@uni-tuebingen.de <mailto:inken.armbrust@uni-tuebingen.de>
www.ambiguitaet.uni-tuebingen.de <http://www.ambiguitaet.uni-tuebingen.de/>