Enrolment options

Middle English

Middle English is English that was spoken from the 11th until the late 15th century. In the centuries following the Norman Conquest of 1066, the English language experienced noticeable influence of (Norman and Central) French and Latin. Significant changes influenced its pronunciation, orthography, vocabulary, and grammar. During Middle English, many Old English grammatical features simplified considerably. For instance, Middle English saw the loss of most grammatical case distinctions.
The aim of this course is to provide an overview of the Middle English language (its phonology, morphology, and grammar) and read Middle English texts in the original. Late Middle English texts, in particular Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, are the focus of this class. Emphasis will be put on reading, translating and analysing original Middle English texts.
The seminar is open to all students of English. Knowledge of older stages of English is no prerequisite for signing up. In particular, students considering to choose Middle English in the State Examination (Lehramt Gymnasium) will find this course very helpful.
Semester: 2024/25 Wintersemester
Self enrolment (Teilnehmer/in)
Self enrolment (Teilnehmer/in)