
PS 1776 and the Foundation of American Political and Cultural Identity

The United States have a distinct identity. Sometimes, Germans may be tempted to frown in disbelief when confronted with the peculiarities of the US. Why do guns play such a prominent role for many Americans? Where does the importance of Liberty in American culture come from? Why was there such a struggle around the question of universal healthcare? These questions are just examples of the rift between American (political) culture and the German one. In order to get a better understanding of American identity, we will look at America's history, especially at the American Revolution and the founding of the new nation. We will examine documents that reveal the main ideas and attitudes guiding the Founding Fathers in building what would, arguably, later become the most influential nation of our times.

We will meet at three weekends. The first meeting will be on Friday, April 28 from 2 - 4pm. This will be an introductory meeting.

The other dates are Friday, June 23 (10am - 5pm) and Saturday, June 24 (11am - 5pm), as well as Friday, June 30 (10am - 5pm) and Saturday, July 1 (11am - 5pm).
Semester: 2023 Sommersemester
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)