(V) Angewandte VWL: Growth, Development and Sustainability
Why do some countries or regions reach very high levels of per capita incomewhile others stay miserably poor? Why did per capita income in todays’ richcountries remain low for thousands of years before starting an impressive growthspurt around the Industrial Revolution? Not least due to intensive research in thelast decades we continue to learn more on these issues as well as on the crucialquestions, which policy choices are relevant for a dynamic process of economicdevelopment, and which policies may lead to a sustainable development path.
The course is intended to give students an introduction into theories
and stylized facts of long-term economic growth and sustainability.
Models of various schools of economic thought will be discussed and
compared to each other. The relation of growth, environmental issues and
inequality will be explored. After successful completion of the course,
students should be able to approach the related academic literature as
well as current policy debates. Knowledge of basic concepts of
macroeconomics and microeconomics is required. Students should have
completed the respective introductory courses.
Semester: 2019/20 Wintersemester