
  • a document that is filled out in writing (or electronically) by the informant
  • if distributed to many potential informants without your being present can provide a large amount of data (of which you cannot control every detail)
  • data are replicable
  • information collected can be tightly controlled and easy to analyze
  • subjects have to be selected carefully (random sample or judgement sample)
  • ways of distribution:
    • printed copies can be handed out personally or sent by surface mail
    • electronic documents can be sent out by e-mail
    • you can use web-based questionnaires, which may in addition allow a (semi-)automated evaluation of responses, e.g. LimeSurvey ( and SurveyMonkey (
  • example: the "Bamberg Questionnaire" (Maltese version)


The Chair of English Linguistics hosts a copy of the application LimeSurvey and you can obtain free server space for your online questionnaire (contact Fabian Vetter,

Please click here to access our copy of LimeSurvey.

A detailed introduction to creating surveys with Limesurvey can be found here.

Question designs:

  • open questions
  • closed questions
    • semantic differential scales, e.g.

      Your impression of voice A on the tape:
      friendly __ __ __ __ __ __ __ unfriendly
      unintelligent __ __ __ __ __ __ __ intelligent
      inactive __ __ __ __ __ __ __ active

    • Likert scales (attitude scales), e.g.

      It is important to preserve endangered languages.
      1 2 3 4 5 6 7
      strongly disagree neither agree nor disagree strongly agree

    • ranking schemes, e.g. arrange items in order of importance:
      Sense Of Humor, Creativity, Good Looks, Intelligence, Honesty

    • multiple choice, e.g.

      I have known her ____ three years now. a) whilst
      b) for
      c) since
      d) besides
source: Wray & Bloomer (2006: chapter 13)
Апошняя зьмена: нядзеля, 19 красавіка 2015, 8:30 PM