D1) Realisation of phoneme /l/ in initial and final positions in spoken Maltese English
Realisations of the phoneme /l/ in initial and final positions in spoken Maltese English
Data: taste7_first_10_min.mp3 (see below)
Please Download taste7_first_10_min.mp3 for this task! (right click + "Ziel speichern unter...")
Programs: Transcriber 1.5.1
- Transcribe the the audio file using transcriber 1.5.1 & analyse the data:
- For Speaker A (female): Find +-10 instances of the phoneme /l/ where it occurs as initial sound (e.g. “list”) and +- 10 instances where it occurs as final sound (e.g. “well”)
- For Speaker B (male): Find +-10 instances of the phoneme /l/ where it occurs as initial sound (e.g. “list”) and +- 10 instances where it occurs as final sound (e.g. “well”)
- Extract these occurrences and save them as separate audio files (in .wav format)
- Compare the realisations of /l/ in your extracted data for both positions for both speakers
- Perform a short live presentation of your mini-project in class and give a brief overview of your findings.
- Write a brief summary of your findings (no more than 300 words!).
- Transcriber is installed on the PCs in U5 02.23 (CIP POOL). Since it is freeware, you can also download it and use it on your own PC.
- A brief tutorial for transcriber, a link to the user manual as well as an example transcription can also be found in the VC
- Extracting parts of an audio file is described in the official user manual for transcriber (5.9. Save a part of the audio file)
- Please bring your own headphones for the transcription.
Also take a look at here: https://eng-ling.uni-bamberg.de/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=knowledge:start
Ugu danbayntii la laga shaqeeyey: Khamiis, 10 Bisha Sagaalaad 2015, 10:27 AM