Database: Database of Middle English Romance

Programs: Online interface


  • Explain the contents, structure and composition of the database.
  • Investigate the distribution of pronouns of address in one of the later Middle English romances. At this time, the singular forms thou, thy(n(e)), thee were under competition from the polite, originally plural forms ye, your(e), you.


  • Rather than searching a text manually for all possible variants of the pronouns, it might be useful to highlight, copy and paste the text into a text file. After that, you can create a Word List in AntConc or Wordsmith and retrieve all variants from that list.
  • Finally, produce a concordance of all th-forms and all y-forms. Do you notice anything?

Solution: Mini-project B3.pdf

Oxirgi marta o'zgartirilgan: payshanba, 29 oktabr 2015, 1:51 PM