Data: Two corpora of American tv shows

Programs: AntConc + Excel


  • Download the corpora here
  • Use the concordance function in AntConc to create a hit list of all occurrences of the verb "to love" in both corpora
  • Export these concordance lists to excel
  • Take a randomized sample of 100 hits for each corpus
  • Come up with a meaningful system for categorizing the objects of the verb "to love"
  • Does the usage of "to love" differ in both corpora? If so, in what way?


  • Anthony Laurence (the programmer of AntConc) has his own youtube channel with detailed introductory videos for his programs (
  • Both corpora are part-of-speech-tagged with the CLAWS 7 tagset ( )
  • Including tags in your search might be a good idea: instead of searching for "love*", try searching for "love*_V*"

Ostatnia modyfikacja: czwartek, 10 września 2015, 10:24