Further helpful resources
--Other helpful Links--
Academic Phrasebank @ Uni Manchester
- https://www.phrasebank.manchester.ac.uk/
- Are you looking for idiomatic expressions that are commonly used in the register of research articles? Then the Academic Phrasebank is perfect for you! It contains a collection of phraseological units that are commonly used in academic English. These are grouped by communicative purpose and section of the research article.
- AWE: Academic Writing in English (App)
- https://www.ucl.ac.uk/english-usage/apps/awe/eaw/index.html
- "UCL's Academic Writing in English (AWE) app is a complete interactive course on writing skills for students who have begun or are considering a course of study in English-speaking Universities." (https://www.ucl.ac.uk/english-usage/apps/awe/eaw/index.html, 09.08.2023)
How to read a linguistic article
- This instructional video by Martin Hilpert provides some advice on how to effectively read and interpret information found in linguistic publications.
An interactive introduction to corpus basics (KorPLUS)
- https://www.uni-bamberg.de/en/korplus/
- "This is an open-resource self-learning package that is open to anyone interested in the application of corpora (large computer-readable text databases) to practical language problems in English."
Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics (2nd ed.)
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/referencework/9780080448541/encyclopedia-of-language-and-linguistics
- Good if you're looking for definitions of linguistic concepts. Use this instead of Wikipedia.
Last modified: Monday, 6 November 2023, 10:27 AM