Two open positions: 1 Post-Doc / 1 RA

Two open positions: 1 Post-Doc / 1 RA

لە لایەن Ute Schmid -
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The Cognitive Reasoning Group (PD Dr. Marco Ragni) at the Institute of
Computer Science, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence, Albert-
Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg invites applications for

*1 Post-Doc Position (Salary level E 13 TV-L, 100%) **
**1 Research Assistant (Salary level E 13 TV-L, 65%) *

to be filled as soon as possible for a period of 3 years. The funding is 
of a DFG-funded Heisenberg-grant.

*Description of Responsibilities*

The positions involve participation in the research activities of the
Cognitive Reasoning Group with an emphasis on the areas human
deductive reasoning, cognitive modeling, psychological experiments, and
knowledge representation and reasoning.

The research group is focusing on analyzing and evaluating psychological
theories about deductive and inductive reasoning and developing cognitive
models. The positions allow for further scientific qualifications (in
Psychology, Cognitive Science or Computer Science).

*Required Qualifications*

Applicants are expected to have an above-average academic degree
(Master, Diploma or a PhD) in one of the three areas:

Cognitive/Mathematical Psychology or
Cognitive Science or
Computer Science

With experience and interest on the research activities of the research
group listed above, basic knowledge in at least three of the following 
Psychological experiments, cognitive modeling, logics and reasoning,
development of algorithms, practical knowledge in programming languages
(e.g. Python, R), statistical analysis.

A good command of the English language is mandatory. As an employer,
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg is committed to creating equal
opportunities for women and men.

Applications with the usual files should be submitted by e-mail in a
*single* PDF-file no later than *March 1, 2016* or until the position is
filled. Send your application or questions to PD Dr. Marco Ragni
-- --------------------------------------------------------- PD Dr. Marco Ragni, DFG Heisenberg fellow Research Group on the Foundations of Artificial Intelligence Institut für Informatik, Technische Fakultät Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Georges-Köhler-Allee, Geb. 052 79110 Freiburg, Germany Phone: +49 761 203-8277 Fax : +49 761 203-8221 email: web :