PhD candidate (m/f) in Machine Learning - University of Luxemburg

PhD candidate (m/f) in Machine Learning - University of Luxemburg

Ute Schmid -
Vastausten määrä: 0
Job Offering

The MINE research group of the ILIAS Laboratory (,
Computer Science and Communications Research Unit, University of Luxembourg,
is looking for a Doctoral candidate (PhD student) in "Machine Learning" (M/F)

* Ref: F1-070016
* 3-year fixed-term contract, full-time (40h/week) with a possible extension
of 1 year Research

Area: Machine Learning, Neural Networks (Deep Learning), Data Mining.

The candidate's main task is to perform research and to prepare a doctoral thesis
under the supervision of Prof Schommer. He/she presents common scientific
contributions at international conferences and supports Prof Schommer in his
semestral teaching duties.

The candidate should have
* a Master degree or Diploma in Computer Science or Mathematics or equivalent.
* a good knowledge in 2 or more of the following 4 fields:
  Machine Learning, Data Mining, Information Retrieval, Database Systems.
* excellent skills in at least one programming language and good knowledge of LaTeX.
* excellent written and oral English skills.

The University offers a 3-year contract (with a possible extension of 1 year)
with a highly competitive salary. The candidate works in an international environment.
The University is an equal opportunity employer.

Applications should be written in English and must include the following documents:
* Motivation letter and statement of interest (max 1 page).
* Curriculum Vitae, including research interests, contact address, and work experiences.
* A project proposal with respect to Machine Learning (max 1 page)
* An executive summary of your Master Thesis (max 1 page).
* A list of courses you have taken and a transcript of grades from all University-level courses.
* Contact information of at least 2 independent referees or 2 independent reference letters.

Interested candidates are invited to send their application electronically
via => (see also

For further information you may contact Prof. Schommer
directly via

The official submission deadline is: Thursday, April 30, 2015, but I do accept
later applications (until position is filled).

Dr. Christoph Schommer
Associate Professor

Elected Member of the Faculy Council
ILIAS Lab / Head of the MINE Research Group

University Luxemburg, Campus Kirchberg
Dept. of Computer Science and Communication
6-8, Rue Coudenhove-Kalergi
L-1359 Luxembourg
Phone: +352.466644.5228
Fax: +352.466644.5500
