Stellenausschreibung gefördertes Promotionsstudium Countryside and Community Research Institute

Stellenausschreibung gefördertes Promotionsstudium Countryside and Community Research Institute

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Dear students,

the University of Gloucestershire and Countryside and Community Research Institute, supported by the Welsh Graduate School for the Social Sciences invites applications for funded PhD study.

These particular studentships, known as ‘collaborative studentships’, involve liaison with a non-academic organisation, often at many key stages of the research programme. Both studentships will commence October 2024.

  • In the Environmental Planning Pathway: Do farmer groups encourage tree planting? Exploration of changes in willingness and capacity for planting in England and Wales (in collaboration with Welsh Government, Natural England and Forestry Commission). The aim of the PhD is to understand whether membership of farmer environmental groups affects farmers’ willingness and capacity to plant trees on their land. England and Wales have ambitious policy targets to increase tree cover to meet greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments. Natural England, Forestry Commission and Welsh Government are seeking new ways to encourage tree planting on farmland.

  • In the Environmental Planning Pathway: Designing serious games to inform land use decisions for net zero in Wales (in collaboration with Natural Resources Wales and Welsh Government). This PhD provides one of the first applications of serious games methodologies to farm-level decision-making for net zero. It has four aims

1.      To appraise serious game methodologies for farm-level decision making for land use net zero

2.      To co-design/implement with stakeholders in Wales a land use for net zero serious game;

3.      To evaluate the usefulness, inclusiveness and replicability of the game; and

4.      To inform land use for net zero policy in Wales.

To find out more about these vacancies, please visit
 University of Gloucestershire Jobs page.