Veranstaltungsinfo: BAGSS Semester Colloquium: Dr Julia Leininger

Veranstaltungsinfo: BAGSS Semester Colloquium: Dr Julia Leininger

por Melanie Weidner-Schmitt -
Número de respostas: 0

Dear all,

I would like to draw your attention to the BAGSS Semester Colloquium, which will take place next Wednesday and is open to anyone interested:

„No political future? Why climate scenarios must integrate political factors.“

Dr Julia Leininger, German Institute of Development and Sustainability

//Wednesday, 17.01.2024; 6.15 p.m. (s.t.); Room FG1/00.08

More information: and on the attached poster.

For any further questions, please feel free to contact me.

Kind regards,
