The Data Science Chair at JMU Würzburg [1] as a member of the Center for AI and Data Science (CAIDAS) offers two positions for doctoral researchers (m/w/d) in the area of machine learning. Both positions are bound to a project, with an initial duration of two years with the possibility of further extension. Payment is at the level of E13 according to the German federal wage agreement scheme (TV-L). Candidates are expected to have a strong background in computer science and mathematics, with a specialisation in machine learning and interest in the topic of one of the projects. The first project is focused on the development and application of methods to enrich live chats of typical stream platforms like with links to relevant information: you will work with industry partners to analyse the current topics of discussions in live chats and provide links to the partners' websites with information about these topics. This will be done, for example, by developing metric learning methods to find accurate representations of the available content and matching them with the current topics as well as the users' interests. The second project, HydrAS [2], has a stronger focus on theoretical research. Here, you have the opportunity to work on our HypTrails method, which can be used to compare different hypotheses about user behaviour by means of bayesian statistics. HydrAS aims to extend this method with (semi-)automatic generation and testing of hypotheses as well as include more powerful statistical models like continuous time Markov chain models. Please send your application (letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, academic records) at your earliest convenience, but no later than September 4th, 2022, to Prof. Dr. Andreas Hotho ( You are welcome to contact us on the same address for additional details. [1] [2]
Two Open Positions for Doctoral Researchers (m/w/d) - deadline extended
од Ute Schmid -
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