PhD/Postdoc Position in Machine Learning at LMU Munich

PhD/Postdoc Position in Machine Learning at LMU Munich

بواسطة - Ute Schmid
عدد الردود: 0

In the Institute of Informatics at the Ludwig-Maximilans-University (LMU) Munich, Germany, a position as a Research Assistant is to be filled at the earliest possible date. The position is associated with the Chair of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning ( Both PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers are invited to apply. The position is intended for three years with a possibility for further extension. Payement is at the level of E13 according to the German federal wage agreement scheme (TV-L).

Candidates are expected to have a strong background in computer science and mathematics, with a specialisation in machine learning. Postdoctoral researchers are additionally expected to have an excellent publication record, ideally including major AI/ML conferences (ICML, NeurIPS, IJCAI, AAAI, etc.). Research topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:

-- Uncertainty in machine learning
-- Preference learning, ranking and choice
-- Online learning and learning on data streams
-- Multi-target prediction and structured outputs
-- AutoML and metareasoning
-- Explainable AI and interpretable machine learning

Please upload an electronic version of your application in a SINGLE PDF file:

Password: A5tyaTKEn3

The deadline for application is May 10, 2022.

Your application material should include the following:

-- Cover letter with a short outline of your background and a motivation for applying
-- CV including a synopsis of the PhD/Master's thesis and a list of publications (if any)
-- Certificates (PhD, Bachelor/Master certificate including transcript of grades)
-- Optional: Letter(s) of reference