Upcoming talk by Wolfgang Kratsch from Credium

Upcoming talk by Wolfgang Kratsch from Credium

Johannes Rabold - මගින්
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Dear all,

I am happy to be able to give you more information on our upcoming talk by Wolfgang Kratsch and colleagues from Credium on the 24th of June, 16:15. You can find the abstract below. As always we want to encourage especially students to join our talk since, besides learning cool new stuff, you also have the opportunity to first-handedly talk with practitioners from the industry.

Looking forward to seeing you there



At credium, we focus on building analytics based on a wide range of data sources, such as official cadastral information, 3D building data, aerial photography or 3D laser scans (LiDAR). Since we want to provide area-wide information about each building, we fuse this raw data and use machine learning models to fill in missing data points and derive more content-rich features. By exploring the same object through multiple data sources, we have developed an approach to semi-automatically label large data sets and derive edge cases to get closer to a closed-loop ML cycle.