Project Presentation with Fortiss and IBM Munich

Project Presentation with Fortiss and IBM Munich

Johannes Rabold -
Колькасьць адказаў: 0

Dear all,

you are invited to a project presentation held by Christoph Wehner and Francis Powlesland. It will start at the 29th of March on 3 o'clock PM. Everyone that is interested is invited. When there is no new update from my side we use the login credentials given for the doctoral colloquium in this VC course. The topic is stated below.


There exists a digital twin by the Providentia++ consortium of an
autobahn section close to the Munich airport. This project is about
exploring the data of the digital twin and identifying a suitable
approach to predict lane changes of vehicles. A long short-term memory
recurrent neural network (LSTM) based on a paper by Sajan Patel et al.
is identified as suitable. [1] In this project, the LSTM is implemented
and tested. The lane change prediction model is refactored to make live
predictions in a data stream application and is deployed in a
demonstrator by the IBM Watson Center. Finally, a theoretic outlook
shall be given on the challenges of explaining high-frequency
prediction AI models for data stream applications by the example of
predicting lane changes.

1. Patel, S., Griffin, B., Kusano, K., Corso, J.J.: Predicting future
lane changes of other highway vehicles using rnn-based deep models.