Job opportunity for senior postdoc

Job opportunity for senior postdoc

Ute Schmid - келді
Number of replies: 0


Good morning!

For our new EU multi-partner project, Spatially Enhanced Learning Linked to STEM (SellSTEM), TU Dublin is currently advertising a vacancy for a senior postdoctoral researcher who will take a leading role in the execution of the project - see attached and in particular page 5 for a job description. Please forward to anyone who might be interested.

Some background info on the project can be found here:

Some further info:

Here’s an online link for the vacancy:


The link to apply is  Closing date is Sep 28.  


Professor / Yr Athro Thora Tenbrink
+44 (0)1248 38 2263
Director of Ethics College of Arts, Humanities, and Business

Cyfarwyddwr Moeseg Coleg y Celfyddydau, Dyniaethau a Busnes

Professor of Linguistics/ Athro mewn Ieithyddiaeth

Ethics and Compliance Officer/ Swyddog Moeseg a Chydymffurfiaeth

School of Languages, Literatures, Linguistics and Media / Ysgol Ieithoedd, Llenyddiaethau, Ieithyddiaeth a Chyfryngau
Bangor University/ Prifysgol Bangor

Rwyf yn siarad Cymraeg. I speak Welsh.