Seminar final talks

Seminar final talks

написао/ла Johannes Rabold -
Број одговора: 0

Hey all,

on a very short notice: Tomorrow and on saturday our seminar students will give their final talks on the overall topic "Deep Learning". The event will start tomorrow at 13:00 and on saturday at 9:00. If you are interested to join the talks via Zoom, please refer to the login infos below:

Rabold, Johannes lädt Sie zu einem geplanten Zoom-Meeting ein.

Thema: Seminar-Talks: Deep Learning

Uhrzeit: Dies ist ein regelmäßig stattfindendes Meeting Jederzeit treffen

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Meeting-ID: 983 1460 4001

Passwort: 8n+WTd

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Meeting-ID: 983 1460 4001

Passwort: 745931

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Passwort: 745931

Meeting-ID: 983 1460 4001