Position in ML and KDD @JKU Linz

Position in ML and KDD @JKU Linz

از Ute Schmid در
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The full call can be found here: https://www.jku.at/en/faw/about-us/open-positions/

We are currently looking for post-doctoral researchers in machine learning, game playing or knowledge discovery in databases for the Computational Data Analysis group of Prof. Johannes Fürnkranz. Exceptionally well qualified doctoral students may also apply.

We are particularly interested in researchers in one or more of the following areas

    * Interpretability in AI
    * Inductive Rule Learning
    * Preference Learning
    * Multi-Label Classification
    * Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
    * Machine Learning and Game Playing
    * Monte-Carlo Tree Search


    - Ph. D. in Computer Science or a related area (Master is sufficient if exceptionally well qualified)
    - Strong background and track record in machine learning, game playing, or knowledge discovery
    - Willingness and ability to work in a team and to support students and lectures

_How to apply_

Please provide us with

- a CV, including a publication list
- a research statement describing how you would position your work with respect to one or more of the above-mentioned areas
- up to 3 sample publications

These materials need to be submitted via the JKU on-line portal (http://jku.at/application). Please specify job reference number 3990 in your application.

The position is open until filled. If you have questions, please contact Prof. Johannes Fürnkranz.

Johannes Fürnkranz
Computational Data Analytics
Johannes Kepler University Linz