The Artificial Intelligence research group (Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Kühnberger) of the Institute of Cognitive Science invites applications for 2 Research Assistants (f/m/d) (Salary level E 13 TV-L, 75 %) to be filled as soon as possible for a period until March 31, 2021. Description of Responsibilities: The position involves participation in research activities of a ZIM funded joint project of the Institute of Cognitive Science and AIM GmbH, Hannover. The project aims at developing a new generation of decision support technologies for logistics. To this end, data from heterogeneous sources have to be integrated and used for predicting demands and potential bottlenecks in business processes. The system’s decisions have to be presented in a comprehensible and transparent way to the user. Our overall goal is to develop scalable and explainable AI and machine learning methods for planning logistical processes. Required Qualifications: · Applicants should have an excellent academic degree (Master/diploma) in a relevant discipline and basic knowledge in artificial intelligence, machine learning and statistics. · Experience in the optimization of business processes, the analysis of time series data, or related areas is an advantage. · Good programming skills and experience with libraries for machine learning or statistics are mandatory (e.g. Python SciPy Stack, TensorFlow, Keras). · An interest in applying AI technologies to real-world problems. · A good command of the English language is mandatory. Osnabrück University has been certified as a family-friendly university committed to helping working/studying parents and carers balance their family and work life. The university aspires to ensure equal opportunities for men and women and strives to work towards a gender balance in schools or departments where new appointments are made. If equally qualified candidates apply, preference will be given to those with special needs. Please send your application consisting of the usual documents as a single PDF file to <> (Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Kühnberger) and to <> in cc no later than December 17, 2019. Further information can be obtained from Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Kühnberger ( <>).
Ausschreibung von zwei Stellen am IKW der Universität Osnabrück
de Ute Schmid -
Número de respuestas: 0