PhD, PostDoc, Research Group Leader Positions @ L3S

PhD, PostDoc, Research Group Leader Positions @ L3S

Ute Schmid
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1 Research Group Leader, 2 Postdoc and 3 Ph.D. research positions

The L3S Research Center, Hannover, Germany, invites applications for

    1 Research Group Leader, 2 Postdoc and 3 Ph.D. research positions

in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep
Learning, Data and Text Mining, Semantic Technologies and Natural
Language Processing.

These positions are meant be the nucleus of a new research group at L3S
focusing on AI and intelligent technologies, with a lot of synergies to
existing groups. The group will be headed by a new research group
leader, responsible for the group and for new project acquisitions, and
is meant to grow to about 10-12 people.

Scientific work will focus on doing research on AI and large-scale data
analysis, both foundation oriented as well as in several application
domains, specifically intelligent production, personalized medicine, and
intelligent mobility.

You will be developing solutions to real-world problems that require
large-scale AI and data analytics while utilizing distributed platforms
as well as state-of-the-art machine learning, and will be part of a
challenging and unique research environment.  Your research will connect
to our work in the projects NOBIAS, Data4UrbanMobility, SimpleML, the
Applied Machine Learning Academy, and other projects to be started in

You should possess good knowledge in one or several areas relevant for
the topics specified in this announcement. Good proficiency in English
and German is expected, as well as an outstanding M.Sc. or Ph.D. in
computer science. International experience during your studies or
afterwards as well as good social and communication skills are helpful.

If you apply for the research group leadership position, you should
speak German and English very well, and have documented experience in
project acquisition and PhD supervision.

The salary amounts to German TV-L E13/E14/E15, which is roughly 45.000
to 60.000 Euro gross income per year.  Please submit your application
including the usual documents as well as a list of references,
preferably by email, to

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nejdl
L3S Research Center
Appelstrasse 4
30167 Hannover, Germany