HEUTE: MA Verteidigung M. Groß

HEUTE: MA Verteidigung M. Groß

Michael Siebers -
Erantzun kopurua: 0

Exploring Deep Learning for Relational Domains A Case Study with Michalski Trains
Michael Groß  (MA AI)

Donnerstag, 13.9.18, 16:00 Uhr, WE5/05.013

In this master thesis the ability of deep neural networks to learn basic relations with as less prior knowledge as possible is observed. For this, the relational domain of the Michalski trains is used, due to its versatility in presentation, complexity in possible classification rules, and easy understandability. Therefore, a convolutional neuronal network was implemented to let it learn the relations from pictures of the trains, which separates the needed knowledge of the domain, i.e. the size of the image, from the semantics of its relations. The empirical results show, that the used CNN is well able to classify the trains correctly, but also that the difficulty to learn the rule may be solely attributed to the number of patterns needed for classifying a train correctly, but not its logical complexity.