9 open positions Doctoral Researchers: RTG 2340 "Computational Cognition", Univ. Osnabrück

9 open positions Doctoral Researchers: RTG 2340 "Computational Cognition", Univ. Osnabrück

Ute Schmid tomonidan -
Number of replies: 0

sorry for the late notice -- deadline is today

The RTG 2340 "Computational Cognition", funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), invites applications for 4 PhD Candidates (Salary level E 13 TV-L, 100 %) 5 PhD Candidates (Salary level E 13 TV-L, 65 %) to be filled by October 1, 2018 for a period of 3 years. The RTG Computational Cognition aims at reintegrating Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence. PhD students of the RTG will be educated in both subjects in order to combine the findings of these fields and thus to get a better understanding of human and machine intelligence. Research fields involved in the RTG are Neuroinformatics, Neurobiopsychology, Bio-Inspired Computer Vision, Knowledge-Based Systems, Cognitive Natural Language Processing & Communication, Cognitive Modeling, Artificial Intelligence, Psycho/Neurolinguistics, Computational Linguistics and Cognitive Computing. The RTG will focus on the integration of two research fields. Detailed information on the core areas of the offered PhD projects can be obtained from the spokesmen of the RTG, Prof. Dr. Gordon Pipa (gpipa@uni-osnabrueck.de) and Prof. Dr. Peter König (pkoenig@uni-osnabrueck.de). The RTG will be incorporated into the Cognitive Science PhD program founded in 2002. PhD students of the RTG will take advantage of an interdisciplinary environment, which nevertheless focusses on a common research topic and offers a broad range of methodological synergies between the projects. Required Qualifications: Applicants are expected to have an academic degree (Master/Diploma), experience in at least one of the domains listed above, proven experience in interdisciplinary work as well as a good command of the English language. Please find details about the RTG at http://computational-cognition.eu Applications with the usual documentation should be submitted by e-mail in a single PDF file to the director of the Institute of Cognitive Science, Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Kühnberger (kkuehnbe@uni-osnabrueck.de) with a cc to office@ikw.uni-osnabrueck.de no later than August 23, 2018.