Announcement of Seminar Topic for Summer Semester 2018

Announcement of Seminar Topic for Summer Semester 2018

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SWT-Seminar in Summer Semester 2018: Real-Time and Embedded Systems (SWT-SEM-B/M)

Modern airplanes, trains, vehicles, medical devices, and industrial plants rely on hundreds of real-time embedded systems that must deliver correct functionality at precise times.

This seminar systematically examines the following aspects involved with the development of such systems: designing and programming with low-level and high-level languages, and with model-based engineering frameworks; implementation via code generation and task scheduling; and validation with simulation, static timing analysis, and model-based testing.

Through this seminar, students will gain an insight into how these aspects interplay and affect the functional capabilities and analysability of the resulting systems, and an appreciation of the effort and skillset required to successfully construct a real-time embedded system. An ideal seminar student would have an interest in real-time systems, embedded systems, conncurrent software, software/hardware co-design, and be in at least the fourth semester of their Bachelor's studies or beyond.