Independent Research Group Leader "Natural Language Processing for the
Humanities", Technische Universität Darmstadt
The Department of Computer Science of Technische Universität Darmstadt
seeks to fill an Independent Research Group (IRG) Leader position for
the initial duration of four years. The program allows young
scientists to found their own research group. It is similar in spirit to DFG's
Emmy Noether Program. The focus of the Independent Research Group will
be on cutting-edge Natural Language Processing research with its novel
applications to support humanities research, e.g. mining scientific
literature, automatic discourse analysis, or multimodal content
classification to identify bias or tone computationally. The goal of
the position is to strengthen the rapidly growing profile of the
Department in Data Analytics at the intersection of Natural Language
Processing, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning on the one side, and
to further develop the connection between Computer Science and the
Humanities on the other side.
The IRG Leader will receive an opportunity to conduct independent
research and teaching, and the funding to hire a PhD student (similar
to assistant professors). Candidates must have completed their PhD in
Computer Science or related area, have an outstanding publication
record and demonstrate experience in working with the international
research community. Ideally they have held at least one postdoc
position at a university other than the one they obtained their PhD
degree from. The program offers competitive personal compensation and
access to resources. The IRG Leaders are employed by TU Darmstadt on
its own pay scale TV-TU Darmstadt. Applicants are selected based on
their credentials, references, and participation in a scientific
colloquium. We expect the ability to work independently, personal
commitment, team and communication abilities, as well as the
willingness to cooperate in a multi-disciplinary team. We specifically
invite applications of women. Among those equally qualified,
handicapped applicants will receive preferential consideration.
International applications are particularly encouraged.
The successful candidate will be given the opportunity to join the PI
team of the graduate school "Adaptive Preparation of Information from
Heterogeneous Sources" (AIPHES) [1]. The project conducts innovative
research in a cross-disciplinary context. To that end, methods in
computational linguistics, natural language processing, machine
learning, network analysis, and automated quality assessment are
developed. AIPHES investigates a novel scenario for information
preparation from heterogeneous sources, within the application context
of multi-document summarization. There is close interaction with end
users who prepare textual documents in an online editorial office, and
who should therefore benefit from the results of AIPHES. In-depth
knowledge in one of the above areas is required.
The Department of Computer Science of TU Darmstadt is regularly ranked
among the top ones in respective rankings of German universities. Its
unique "Centre for the Digital Foundation of Research in the
Humanities, Social, and Educational Sciences" (CEDIFOR) [2] emphasizes
natural language processing, text mining, machine learning, as well as
scalable infrastructures for assessment and aggregation of knowledge
applied to novel research problems from the Humanities domain.
Applications should be submitted to by
November 24, 2017 and include a research and teaching statement along
with the CV, publication list, name of three academic references, and
further supporting documents. In case of questions, please contact
Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych: gurevych (a-t) ukp (dot) informatik (dot)
tu-darmstadt (dot) de. The position is open until filled.
Independent Research Group Leader "Natural Language Processing for the Humanities", TU Darmstadt
yazan Michael Siebers -
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