Job Ads for a Post-Doc and Doctoral Position at TU Berlin

Job Ads for a Post-Doc and Doctoral Position at TU Berlin

i le Ute Schmid -
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Dear colleagues, 

I would like to inform you about two job advertisements, one for a post-doc and one for a doctoral position with focus on human-technology-environment interactions in medical work systems. The positions are located at the Department of Psychology and Ergonomics at Berlin Institute of Technology. You will find a short description of the research approach of the research group at the end of this email. 

The post-doc position focuses on applied qualitative social research in work systems. The advertisement you will find here: <>  (Deutsch) <>  (English)

The doctoral position focuses on Cognitive Science and Human Factors. The advertisement you will find here: <> (Deutsch) <>  (English)

More information on both positions can be obtained from <>. 

With many thanks and best wishes, 
Markus Feufel 

Department of Psychology and Ergonomics 
Berlin Institute of Technology 
Marchstr. 23, MAR 3-2, 10587 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 314 73773 

Fax: + 40 30 314 73772

Email: <>

Research approach of the group at Technical University Berlin: 

Our goal is to understand and support what makes a good working system. To achieve this goal, we continuously reflect the methodological and theoretical toolbox of Human Factors and Ergonomics (HF/E) as well as our own research agenda. We follow two steps. 

In a first step, we investigate practice patterns in working systems to identify relevant problems and their underlying challenges. Because traditional methods, such as experiments and simulations in the laboratory, are only partially suited to identify relevant problems in practice, we extend the HF/E toolbox, for instance, by performing observations and interviews in the field. To understand related challenges, we consider not only the human and technical factors underlying a problem but also its socio-cultural and historical context.    

In a second step and based on the knowledge and understanding acquired during step one, we inquire into the factors that are essential for a well functioning working system and how can they be supported as well as potential inhibiting factors. Based on this analysis, we focus our research and its application on those factors where our efforts will likely have the greatest benefit for the working system at hand. 

In this sense, we do not limit HF/E to be an applied science that only reacts to problems, which have emerged from the interplay of humans and (new) technology. We rather consider HF/E to be a science that understands the history and presence of a working system and thinks about its future. Such a science identifies and helps shape developmental potential in the working system as well as in its methods and theories