Google Hash Code Challenge

Google Hash Code Challenge

ni Ute Schmid -
Number of replies: 1

Dear students,

we currently have a visiting scientist -- Alvise Memo who is interested in participating with WIAI students at the google hash code challenge. Check out his message below.

Note that when students register, they should indicate the UniBamberg HUB!

When the hub will be online on google website Alvise will send the link.
Ute Schmid
Google Hash Code Challenge
Hello everyone, I'm Alvise Memo and I would like to invite you to participate at the Google Hash Code challenge 2017! The challenge is a team-based programming competition organized by Google. You pick your team and programming language, we pick a real-life engineering problem for you to solve. I'm organizing a Hub (where team can meet) at the university of Bamberg.
The challenge is fun: register before 20th of February, and the 23rd of February spend 4 hours creating your solution to the proposed problem: top scoring teams will be invited to go to Paris for the final round, where prizes will be awarded (and a very good note for your CV).
The problems require creativity and a basic knowledge of programming, ANY language/software is allowed!
Extra:  If before 5th of February the hub will have more than 20 people registered, Google itself will send us goodies to share!
Do not hesitate to email me at for any further information!