The Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC) at Bielefeld University invites applications for 1. Specification of the Position: Post Doc position in the Third Party funded Project Intelligent Coaching Space „ICSPACE" 2. Faculty/Department: Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology - CITEC 3. Job Description (outline) and Portion of Work Time in %: The post doc position is part of the ICSPACE project (http://graphics.unibielefeld. de/research/icspace/). In this interdisciplinary project we explore how humans can be supported in learning and practicing movement tasks, as needed in sports training, motor skill learning, or physical rehabilitation. We develop a Virtual-Reality-based training environment that provides adaptive and personalized tutoring in an online, closed-loop interaction. To this end, the project combines novel aspects of motion analysis, neuro-cognitive skill diagnosis, multi-sensory feedback, communication through a virtual coach, and long-term coaching strategies. The position under consideration (work package “Feedback”) will focus on the link between human perception and action. The successful post-doc candidate will collaborate with other team members to investigate multi-sensory feedback through an augmented virtual mirror, and to analyze the influence of latency and appearance/realism for sensorimotor learning in virtual reality. 4. Job Profile: The successful post-doc candidate is expected to have: • PhD in Neuroscience or a related scientific field, • a background in a field related to cognitive neuroscience, • wide experience of empirical human studies on multi-sensory perception and sensorimotor learning • very good writing skills and a convincing publication record. In addition, some experience in human-computer-interaction or interactive virtual environments will be helpful for this position. 5. Pay Scale Classification: E 13 TV-L 6. Planned Period of Employment: 01.08.2016 until 31.10.2017 (with an option to extend) 7. Work Time: • Full Time 8a. Address for Application: Applications can be send as single pdf file to or by post to Universität Bielefeld, CITEC Attn. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Kopp Inspiration 1 33619 Bielefeld 8b. Contact Person: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Kopp; Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Heed; 9. Closing Date for the Submission of Applications: 11.08.2016 Applications from qualified severely handicapped persons and
persons who are on a par with severely handicapped persons are explicitly welcome.
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Postdoc position at Center of Excellence CITEC (U Bielefeld), project Intelligent Coaching Space
Nā Ute Schmid -
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