Seminar für Abschlussarbeiten in Digitale Transformation (PWB-AB / PWM-AB)
Semester: 2024/25 Wintersemester
PWB-ST-S: Steuerung technischer Systeme - Platform Power and Digital Governance
Semester: 2024/25 Wintersemester
PWM-CS-HS4: Computational Social Science IV: Forschungsprojekt in der CSS
Semester: 2024/25 Wintersemester
V: B-CEP-2 Schnittstellenmodul CEP 2: Algorithms for Economics and Politics & Economics and Politics of Algorithms
Semester: 2024/25 Wintersemester
PWM-CS-V: Computational Social Science I: Digital Media in Politics and Society
Semester: 2024/25 Wintersemester
PWM-CS-HS3: Computational Social Science III: An Introduction to Text as Data
Semester: 2024/25 Wintersemester