VIS-Proj-B: Bachelorprojekt Informationsvisualisierung
Semester: 2023/24 Wintersemester
VIS-IVVA-M: Advanced Information Visualization and Visual Analytics
Semester: 2023/24 Wintersemester
Clustering is a fundamental, unsupervised machine-learning technique that can uncover relevant patterns within the data's concealed structures. In this seminar, our primary goal is to explore visualization-driven methods for understanding clustering results and concepts. Students will individually choose a distinct clustering theme (e.g., cluster partitions and overlapping clusters, hierarchical clusters, visualizing text data clusters, assessing clustering ensembles, portraying co-clustering outcomes, evaluating fuzzy clustering) and conduct research to gain knowledge in this domain. Finally, everybody will compare a few visualization approaches in depth. Please note that introductory sessions will provide students with a foundation in clustering.

Offered as "VIS-Sem-M: Masterseminar Informationsvisualisierung" to Master's Students with an additional level of complexity.
Semester: 2023/24 Wintersemester
VIS-Proj-M + CG-ProjVRAR-B/M
Semester: 2023/24 Wintersemester